Thursday, 20 January 2011

Interrobangs, Herpes & You.

First of all, I'd just really like to thank you all for the attention, praise and any other various comments that the blog has received over the past week. I really can't thank you guys enough, and I hope you continue to read and enjoy. Anyway, today, I thought I'd let you guys know about a couple of things that have obtained my attention over the past week.

WTF of the Week - Interrobang‽
As a complete, self-confessed nerd when it comes to all things grammar, seeing this made me pee a little. A cross between the exclamation mark and the question mark and with a name that would be befitting of a movie you'd quite likely find on RedTube - or so a friend told me...-, the interrobang should - in my opinion - rather appropriately be the unofficial emblem of the new age, social networking, WTF culture. This ingenious creation was the brainchild of the late, great and totally unknown Martin K. Speckter. Mr Speckter came up with the idea for the punctuation mark whilst in charge of an advertising firm in an effort to combine both an interrogative and exclamatory mood into one convenient symbol.

Now, in my opinion Mr Speckter's invention has been vastly underrated and underappreciated in favour of the more ungrammatical usage of '!?' which poses little to no stylistic integrity whatsoever. The man's almost accidental tongue-in-cheek approach to advertising is something that I believe should be echoed in eternity purely for novelty value. I sort of hold him in the same regard as I hold Morgan Freeman: I don't view him as a maven in his field of interest, but I'd happily see him looked upon as God...or at least CEO of the newly renamed Interrobangland in Orlando, Florida. Just a bit of a novelty really but I proclaim that the upcoming week should be World Interrobang Week in celebration of this truly unique creation. So guys, let's get this circulating throughout the social networking domain.WTF are you waiting for‽

Gripe of the Week - The Herpes Effect.
It's essentially a fact that every single one of us has a niggling problem in our lives in the here and now. This could be a problem that manifested itself from nothing or a problem that could have been procured from someone else's problems. I like call this The Herpes Effect. So today, I'd like to explain - preferrably without the aid of diagrams - what I mean by this very ambiguous definition. If you clicked on this link hoping for information on a more personal matter then I can all but recommend seeing a specialist in this field...just don't google blue seriously, don't. Like a backstreet hooker that can't keep her legs shut, the world rather unashamedly spews venom out of its bajingo on a daily basis. The fact of the matter is that in the highly energized and confident generation that we've been born into problems become more focused and chronic, and The Herpes Effect is becoming a more prominent factor in this.

What I intend to mean by The Herpes Effect is a hybrid of two things. It is partly the process by which problems can worsen and become more contagious via the evolution of discussing them with people whom also have insecurites in that particular area thus making them harder to relieve yourself of. In the main however, it is the problem itself. We all have that one person whose presence simply makes us feel like chundering everywah. It's not petty or consciously controlled; it's just fact that we find that person too outlandish for our own liking. They're just the sort of person that if you'd have grown up with from a young age you'd imagine them to be the one pretending to be a Pokémon or shoving crayons up their arse. It's just not pretty or particularly endearing...unless you hate crayons I guess.

So there you go guys, that's your lot until my best bits of the week tomorrow. I hope you all enjoy it, and none of it's intended to be taken too literally.

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